Website Review Template

This is the template I use in Google Docs for student website reviews.

Find a good educational web page related to <Topic Name>.

Which keyword(s) did you use at the search engine? (record below)

  • URL:
  • Title:
  • Keyword(s) Used:

Write a 100-150 word review of the web page.  Concepts that could be considered when reviewing your website are:

  • suitability to the class,
  • aesthetics of the site,
  • the educational value of the site, and
  • the overall organization of the site.

Write your review below. After it is complete, share it with two of your peers for checking of grammar and spelling. Fix any mistakes found. Record the names of your peers as comments here and here.

The Title of the Web Page —

<intro goes here>

<body of review goes here (100-250 words)>

<summary of review goes here>