TGJ3M/4M ePortfolio Requirements

KarliB's ePortfolio Banner

To my Communications Technology students, this is where you will find the outline of your ePortfolio requirements:

At the time of this writing the outline is not complete. I will be adding one or two items every few days, so as not to overwhelm you.

Organizational tip #1: Create your pages in a folder named “Incomplete”, then move them to the proper location once they are complete.

Organizational tip #2: Bookmark the requirements page so you can refer to it often and easily.

(Featured image courtesy of Karli B, a former student)

TEJ2O, TGJ2O, TGJ3M, TGJ4M Daybook: Update ePortfolio on New Google Sites

We used to use the old Google Sites for our ePortfolios, but, even with the current limitations, will now use the new Google Sites for our ePortfolios.

Each student shares their ePortfolio with me as an editor, so I can edit their site if necessary, or when the feature gets added, to add comments to their site.

For students that have taken classes with me before, they create a menu for each class with their assignments as sub-menus below them. For students in one of my classes only, their main menu is their list of assignments for that class.

Photo Repair – Which Do You Like Best?

(Previously posted here on September 20, 2015)

A quick photo repair this morning. I’m not entirely satisfied with the final result, but I’m hoping the person I’m doing this for will still be happy. If my Photoshop skills were better I’m sure more could be done to improve it.

Which do you like best? The black and white, the one with the warming filter, or the one with the cooling filter?

If you’d prefer to share your feedback anonymously, a form can be found here.

Black & White
Warming Filter
Cooling Filter