This picture, I’ll admit, was a total accident. I was shooting through some thick brush which, being so out of focus, ended up giving this photo a ghostly, swooshy feel. It wasn’t what I was expecting at all, but I like the effect.

Educator, Geek, Photographer, Motorcyclist, Lifelong Learner
From the Ontario Teachers’ Federation… Continue reading “Nominations Open for OTIP Teaching Awards”
This is an incredibly inspiring video that will appeal not just to the videographers in your classroom but the photographers as well.
In my Communications Technology class, students are asked to watch the video and share a few inspirational quotes or messages they gleaned from it. I often create a Word Cloud with the results, similar to the one below.
Note: you must be logged into your DSBN account to access this form.
This video will show you how to save URLs into your project folder. This is necessary when creating and submitting projects that use assets from the Internet.
Always give credit where it is due!
Educational Testing Service (ETS) is developing a new licensure assessment for entry-level Computer Science teachers (in the US). A licensure assessment is used to determine whether teacher candidates demonstrate a sufficient level of knowledge and/or skills to enter their profession.
ETS convened a national advisory committee (NAC) of Computer Science teachers, teacher-educators, and representatives of computer science organizations in order to determine which knowledge and/or skills are important for the beginning Computer Science teacher to possess in order to practice safely and effectively. During this NAC meeting, members were asked to consider what Computer Science teachers (at the secondary level) are expected to know at the time of entry into the profession (e.g., the first day or month on the job).
The survey that follows is their attempt to verify the domain of knowledge and/or skills that were identified at the NAC meeting. The entire survey should only take about 20 minutes to complete.
Click here to access the survey.
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This is a great video for beginners to Affinity Designer as well as vector graphics in general. It provides an overview of starting Designer and walks you through an activity that teaches about:
Here’s the graphic created with this tutorial:
Use Photoshop to recreate any image from this Flickr account. Note: in most cases the owner of the account will have provided links to the resources she used.
Submit the following to the handin folder:
When handing in the PSD file, do NOT flatten or merge the layers.
“Effective February 1, 2017, your internet service pricing will go down by $10.00 per month and your speed will increase from 30 Mbps download to 40 Mbps download with 10 Mbps upload.”
The instructions on this site were invaluable to help me fix a USB drive that had multiple partitions and was no longer usable in Windows.
If your USB flash drive, SD card, or another drive isn’t working quite right, “cleaning” the drive and removing its partitions is one possible solution. This can fix problems with a drive that can’t be formatted or one that shows the wrong capacity.
Source: How to “Clean” a Flash Drive, SD Card, or Internal Drive to Fix Partition and Capacity Problems
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