Beyond Compare Utility
Beyond Compare is, for me, one of those essential utilities I cannot live without. I have used it for years to manage the marking in my classroom as well as for managing backups of files at home.
Beyond Compare is, as the name implies, a program for comparing files.
This screen shows how I use it for marking. The panel on the left is the handin folder where students submit their assignments. The panel on the right is where I copy the files to after they have been marked. At the top you’ll see that I am using the “All” view so I can clearly see all submissions. Any folder or file with a coloured icon is something I haven’t marked yet. The greyed out icon are the folders or files that have been copied over. (Student names have been blurred out) Continue reading “Beyond Compare Utility”
ScreenToGif Utility (is awesome!)
I just discovered this great little (portable) screen recorder utility that saves the video file as a GIF file, which is perfect for embedding in websites or ePortfolios.
To download it for yourself, visit Continue reading “ScreenToGif Utility (is awesome!)”
Thonny Python IDE
Today I’m giving a demo of the Thonny Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to my Computer Studies students. I recently learned about this editor from a post someone sent to the ACSE mail list.

Presentation: Turtle Graphics Using Python
Today I co-presented at the OSSTF Embracing Technology Conference. Our topic was Turtle Graphics Using Python: A Gentle Introduction to Programming.
The audience was mostly teachers new to programming, so I’m really pleased that most of them were able to keep up. It was also great to see them working in groups to solve the challenges together.
Note to self: Nested loops is a challenge for beginners. Re-think that for the next time I do this presentation!
To view the presentation for yourself, visit this link:
Self-flying Cormorant
This is a great idea. I can see lots of applications for it once they’ve made it more stable.
Free Sound Effects from Adobe
This looks like a great website for downloading sound effects for your videos or podcasts. Check it out at Continue reading “Free Sound Effects from Adobe”
Drawing Grass in Pygame
As part of my Python Pygame unit I am asking students to draw a landscape. Just for fun, I thought I would ask them to create a function to draw some grass at the bottom of the screen.
Here’s the function template I gave them: Continue reading “Drawing Grass in Pygame”
BTT1O Computer Teardown and Reassembly
A Student Having a Little Fun With His Multiplicity Assignment!