Email Lists

Following are the email lists I have set up for teachers in Ontario. If you are a member of one of these email lists, please see the guidelines below.


When joining, be sure you are logged in with the Google account you want to subscribe with. Many school boards block Google Groups, so you may want to use your personal Google account  (usually Gmail, but doesn’t have to be).

Also when joining, be sure to mention your school or school board affiliation otherwise your request may be denied. Non-teachers or teachers outside Ontario will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.

Note that Google Groups no longer sends me notifications when someone requests to join, so if you haven’t been added within a few days send me a reminder email at pbeens at gmail dot com.

Technological Education (Secondary)


Mail List Guidelines

  • Always use a relevant subject line for the topic.
  • When changing topics, change the subject line.
  • When replying to a digest format email, reply using the provided web link so the subject line stays the same.
  • Please be mindful that you are replying to everyone on the mail list. Keep the emails supportive in nature and professional.
  • Do not attach documents. Instead, upload the document to your Google Drive account and share from there.

[GoogDoc source]

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