TEJ4E Expectations



By the end of this course, students will:

A1. describe the function and development of a variety of current computer hardware;
A2. describe network topologies, devices, and connection media as well as common user network requirements;
A3. describe various types of software, analyse software needs, and evaluate available software.


A1. Computer Hardware

By the end of this course, students will:

A1.1 accurately use relevant technical terminology to describe the specifications of computer hardware (e.g., type, speed, capacity, compatibility, connections);

A1.2 describe the characteristics of processor types (e.g., 32-bit, 64-bit, multi-core);

A1.3 describe the operation of current input and output devices (e.g., keyboards, mice, tablets, printers, monitors, scanners, webcams);

A1.4 describe the evolution of home computing (e.g., cost, availability, and ease of use of computing systems);

A1.5 describe hardware innovations in computers and related technologies (e.g., lower costs, faster speeds, smaller sizes, and greater memory density for computers and for cellular, hand-held, and biometrics devices);

A1.6 explain the effect of trends in software design and data storage on hardware requirements and data processing (e.g., the need for increased processor speed, memory, storage capacity, and bandwidth; longer boot times; large increases in the number and size of files).

A2. Networking Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

A2.1 research and describe common network topologies and technologies;

A2.2 compare hardware and connection media(e.g., hardware: hub, switch, router; media: UTP, fibre-optic cable, wireless) used for different types of networks (e.g., home and small office, small-to-medium enterprise);

A2.3 describe common user requirements that affect the design of a network (e.g., shared printer, wireless access, shared Internet connection, remote access).

A3. Software

By the end of this course, students will:

A3.1 describe the purpose and basic operation of an operating system;

A3.2 describe the purpose and basic operation of common application software (e.g., word processors, spreadsheets, databases, programming environments);

A3.3 describe the purpose and basic operation of various types of utility software (e.g., system tools, backup and recovery software, antivirus and anti-spyware programs, security suites);

A3.4 analyse user software needs for a given purpose;

A3.5 evaluate the suitability of available software for a specific task;

A3.6 describe the specific minimum hardware configurations required for various software.



By the end of this course, students will:

B1. determine and report on hardware solutions for user computing needs;
B2. install, maintain, and troubleshoot computer hardware, and design backup procedures;
B3. install, configure, manage, maintain, and troubleshoot computer networks and related services;
B4. install, configure, and update a variety of software.


B1. Hardware Solutions

By the end of this course, students will:

B1.1 use a problem-solving process (see pp. 21–23) to find solutions for user hardware needs, and compare and contrast solutions for various situations(e.g., home computing, desktop publishing, small business, large office);

B1.2 compare hardware availability and costs from local, national, and global suppliers;

B1.3 write a report recommending computing hardware to meet user requirements.

B2. Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting

By the end of this course, students will:

B2.1 develop and follow procedures for hardware installation, service, and troubleshooting;

B2.2 document and follow correct procedures to prevent damage to computer components (e.g., use of anti-static wrist straps, mats, bags, and containers);

B2.3 perform preventive maintenance on a variety of hardware components;

B2.4 use utility software and/or diagnostic tools to correct problems on a computer and/or a network;

B2.5 design effective procedures for backing up system data and user information.

B3. Network Setup and Management

By the end of this course, students will:

B3.1 develop and follow procedures for network installation, service, and troubleshooting;

B3.2 set up and/or configure networked workstations and shared devices using appropriate connection media (e.g., UTP straight-through and cross-over cables, serial cables, fibre optics, wireless);

B3.3 install and configure network operating systems and client services;

B3.4 use network utility software (e.g., protocol analyser, extended ping, extended traceroute) to diagnose and correct problems.

B4. Software Implementation

By the end of this course, students will:

B4.1 install and configure new software and upgrades on a computer system;

B4.2 describe the need for software, firmware, and device-driver upgrades, identify various sources for them, and follow proper procedures for installing the various types of upgrades;

B4.3 compare software availability and costs from local, national, and global suppliers;

B4.4 use manuals and online documentation to explore the features of new software.



By the end of this course, students will:

C1. describe environmental issues related to the widespread use of computer technology, and apply strategies to reduce environmental harm from computer use;
C2. analyse societal issues related to the widespread use of computer technology.


C1. Technology and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

C1.1 assess the effects of computer technology on the environment (e.g., leakage of hazardous substances from obsolete computers dumped in landfills or improperly recycled; increased energy use; benefits of computer-controlled heating and cooling systems);

C1.2 outline and apply strategies to recycle and reuse computer components (e.g., build computers using used components and donate to a community partner, offer a service where computers can be upgraded using used components);

C1.3 describe and apply strategies and devices that help reduce the energy used by computers at home and in the workplace (e.g., software that throttles drive speed and CPU speed, monitors that turn off automatically, more efficient processors, lower-speed hard drives, diskless computers, virtualization to eliminate extra computers).

C2. Technology and Society

By the end of this course, students will:

C2.1 analyse the benefits of computer technology for society (e.g., improved access to technology for economically disadvantaged people and nations, greater efficiency and lower costs for information services, development of a “global village”, use of computers to help monitor and predict long-term environmental changes);

C2.2 analyse the drawbacks of computer technology for society (e.g., Internet gambling addictions, more sedentary lifestyle, spam, telemarketing, loss of privacy).



By the end of this course, students will:

D1. explain and follow computer-related safety standards and practices;
D2. describe ethical and security issues related to the use of computers;
D3. demonstrate an understanding of professional customer-service practices;
D4. apply the skills required for success in the workplace;
D5. describe opportunities for careers and training related to computer technology, and explain the need for lifelong learning in the computer technology industry.


D1. Health and Safety

By the end of this course, students will:

D1.1 explain the importance of following industry health and safety standards and practices (e.g., standards and regulations specified in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System [WHMIS], the Electrical Safety Code, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board [WSIB]; ergonomically sound workplace arrangements and practices);

D1.2 describe and use appropriate equipment, techniques, and strategies to avoid health and safety problems when assembling, using, and maintaining computer systems (e.g., repetitive strain injuries, eye strain, electrical shock);

D1.3 research and discuss issues related to Internet safety (e.g., protection of information stored on computers or transmitted over a network, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, privacy policies).

D2. Ethics and Security

By the end of this course, students will:

D2.1 describe the components of an acceptable-use policy for computers (e.g., restrictions on commercial or personal use, prohibition of inappropriate content and plagiarism, protection of privacy and intellectual property rights);

D2.2 explain the reasons for software licensing agreements and registration procedures;

D2.3 explain the importance of computer security (e.g., passwords, security software updates, protecting personal identity information and client data).

D3. Customer Service

By the end of this course, students will:

D3.1 develop procedures for tracking client data electronically (e.g., using a spreadsheet, database, journal, or log);

D3.2 explain the importance of professionalism in customer relations (e.g., ensuring appropriate personal appearance, using active listening techniques, making eye contact, speaking clearly and respectfully, being approachable, being aware and respectful of diverse cultural communication styles);

D3.3 develop and model customer-service procedures for dealing with clients (e.g., procedures for complaints, troubleshooting, and providing customer support by telephone, email, or the Internet);

D3.4 communicate with clients using an appropriate level of technical terminology;

D3.5 model user-level support for software (e.g., simulate an IT help desk, create an FAQ website).

D4. Workplace Skills

By the end of this course, students will:

D4.1 demonstrate time-management skills in project settings (e.g., set realistic goals, recognize time constraints, plan for deadlines, prioritize tasks);

D4.2 conduct and participate in all aspects of effective meetings for various purposes (e.g., create and follow an agenda, write and circulate minutes, conduct chaired and roundtable meetings);

D4.3 use computer terminology correctly, and compile a glossary of computer terms and acronyms.

D5. Career Opportunities

By the end of this course, students will:

D5.1 explore various computer-related job opportunities in local, national, and international businesses and industries (e.g., retail salesperson, IT hardware technician, IT network technician, electronic service technician);

D5.2 describe the opportunities for and the importance of postsecondary training and certification related to computer technology (e.g., apprenticeship, college courses, trade certifications);

D5.3 explain the need for lifelong learning in the computer technology industry;

D5.4 demonstrate an understanding of and apply the Essential Skills that are important for success in the computer technology industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP)(e.g., reading text, writing, document use, computer use, oral communication, numeracy, thinking skills);

D5.5 demonstrate an understanding of and apply the work habits that are important for success in the computer technology industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., working safely, teamwork, reliability, organization, working independently, initiative, self-advocacy, customer service);

D5.6 maintain an up-to-date portfolio that includes pieces of work and other materials that provide evidence of their skills and achievements in computer technology (e.g., Passport to Safety certificate, OSP Work Plan, OSP Transition Plan, work logs, photographs of projects), and explain why having a current portfolio is important for career development and advancement.

Learning Skills and Work Habits


The student:

  • fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment;
  • completes and submits class work, homework, and assignments according to agreed-upon timelines;
  • takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour.


The student:

  • devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks;
  • establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals;
  • identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information, technology, and resources to complete tasks.

Independent Work

The student:

  • independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to complete tasks and meet goals;
  • uses class time appropriately to complete tasks;
  • follows instructions with minimal supervision.


The student:

  • accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group;
  • responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of others;
  • builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships through personal and media-assisted interactions;
  • works with others to resolve conflicts and build consensus to achieve group goals;
  • shares information, resources, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions.


The student:

  • looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities for learning;
  • demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks
    demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning;
  • approaches new tasks with a positive attitude;
  • recognizes and advocates appropriately for the rights of self and others.


The student:

  • sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them;
  • seeks clarification or assistance when needed;
  • assesses and reflects critically on own strengths, needs, and interests;
  • identifies learning opportunities, choices, and strategies to meet personal needs and achieve goals;
  • perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges.

Student Self Assessment

A self-assessment Google Doc can be found at http://goo.gl/EbMHz.
A self-assessment form can be found at http://goo.gl/jyuJi. [teacher link]
Ask your instructor which to use.


Website Review Template

This is the template I use in Google Docs for student website reviews.

Find a good educational web page related to <Topic Name>.

Which keyword(s) did you use at the search engine? (record below)

  • URL:
  • Title:
  • Keyword(s) Used:

Write a 100-150 word review of the web page.  Concepts that could be considered when reviewing your website are:

  • suitability to the class,
  • aesthetics of the site,
  • the educational value of the site, and
  • the overall organization of the site.

Write your review below. After it is complete, share it with two of your peers for checking of grammar and spelling. Fix any mistakes found. Record the names of your peers as comments here and here.

The Title of the Web Page — http://www.nameofsite.com

<intro goes here>

<body of review goes here (100-250 words)>

<summary of review goes here>

Micro:bit Beginner Activities

Using the block editor at https://makecode.microbit.org, create and save the following programs:

  1. Display your first initial.
    (save as filename: initials_first_initial)
  2. Display a graphic icon.
    (save as filename: initials_icon)
  3. Scroll your first name and last name, in capitals.
    (filename: initials_scrolling_name)
  4. Write a program that displays the temperature in degrees Celsius.
    (filename: initials_temperature)
  5. Write a program that displays the micro:bit heading in degrees.
    (filename: initials_compass)
  6. Button A displays “HELLO”
    Button B displays “HOW ARE YOU?”
    Both buttons display “QUITE WELL, THANK YOU VERY MUCH”
    (filename: initials_hello_how_are_you)
  7. Write a program where button A increments a counter (which starts at zero) and button B decrements the counter.
    (filename: initials_counter)
  8. Play a simple song (like Twinkle Twinkle) that can be listened to through your earbuds. You will need two test leads for this (see your instructor) which you will connect to Pins 0 and Gnd.
    (filename: initials_simple_song)
  9. Write a program that simulates Rock Paper Scissors. When you shake the Micro:bit it displays one of the rock, paper, or scissors icons.
    (filename: initials_rock_paper_scissors)
  10. Write a program that tracks your steps.
    (filename: initials_microbit_fitbit)

…where initials are your initials.

Keytag Instructions (SketchUp)

This page is for the SketchUp instructions. Click here for the Tinkercad instructions.

We are going to make personalized keytags using SketchUp, which can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.sketchup.com/download.

Download the template from here and remember where you saved it!

Double-click on the downloaded file to open it.

Choose the top top template (“Simple Template – Feet and Inches”) when SketchUp starts.

Insert your name, with a height of 16 mm and an extrusion height of 2 mm. When inserting, try to insert it close to one of the corners of the blank rectangle (not directly into the keytag itself).

  • Tools > 3D Text
  • Height: 16mm
  • Extrusion: 2mm

Size your text (using the Scale tool “S”) your name to the approximate size of the rectangle.

Make a copy (Ctrl-C) of your name and paste it (Ctrl-V) near the keytag. The Orbit tool “O” will be your best friend when doing this! (hint: Shift-O lets you pan the screen)

Move “M” the text down to the rectangle in the keytag.

Once you are are confident your model is correct, delete the original rectangle so you are only left with the keytag.

Save your keytag in your M drive with a filename similar to:

  • Full Name – Name of School – Keytag Text.skp (where Keytag Text is the actual text on the Keytag if it is different than your name).


  • Britney Smith – Senator Gibson – Leafs.skp

Once you have saved your  SKP file with the proper filename, export it as an STL file using the File ► Export STL… menu. If you do not have this menu, follow these instructions to install it.

To submit your STL file for printing, look for the assignment in Google Classroom.

Computer Studies and Computer Technology Curriculum Refresh – Preliminary Research

Many of you have likely heard that the Ministry of Education has announced that they want to update the curriculum [link] as well as “improve coding and computational skills for all students as part of their plan to create jobs, grow our economy, and help people in their everyday lives” [link].

In anticipation of this, ACSE (Association for Computer Studies Educators) would like to start collecting some preliminary feedback to form our input to the Ministry of Education for when they formally announce the process. Continue reading “Computer Studies and Computer Technology Curriculum Refresh – Preliminary Research”

Buzzer Activities

Activity 1 – Buzzer Intro

Refer to this page for this activity. Do NOT copy and paste the code — type it in (or you won’t learn anything…).

Note that the 100 Ω resistor is optional. You can leave it out for simplicity (and extra volume!).

Once you have the basic buzzer program working, research for loops  and modify the program so it loops from 100 Hz to 10,000 Hz in 20 Hz increments and then down again, infinitely.

Save this program as “buzzer_1”.

Activity 2 – Metronome

Write a program that exactly mimics this metronome:


You will likely want to refer to the Tone reference page for assistance. (Read the syntax carefully for an important tip!)

Note: for this assignment I want you to use the tone() function using this syntax:

tone(pin, frequency, duration)

When I see you for marking be sure you can explain the “math” involved in setting the metronome frequency.

Save as “metronome”.

Activity 3 – Star Wars

This activity also uses two LEDs.  Have fun with it! [Source]

Save as “star_wars”.

Activity 4 – Twinkle Twinkle

Using the Star Wars program as a starting point, adapt it to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

You can delete any references to the LEDs.

Save as “twinkle”.



TEJ3M Expectations


By the end of this course, students will:
A1. describe how computer components function, and discuss trends in the development of computer hardware;
A2. describe the functions of BIOSes and operating systems, and how they interact with each other and with computer hardware;
A3. describe the function of electronic components and the use of these components in control systems and other circuits, and calculate values for circuit components;
A4. describe network concepts, services, and security;
A5. demonstrate an understanding of the use of binary numbers, hexadecimal numbers, and Boolean algebra in computer logic and data processing.

A1. Computer Hardware

By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 describe how the internal components of a computer function (e.g., CPU, mainboard, disk drives, RAM, chipset, video card, sound card, expansion slot);
A1.2 describe various standards for connecting computer components (e.g., parallel port, RS-232, USB, IEEE 1394, VGA, DVI);
A1.3 describe trends in the development of computer hardware (e.g., size, cost, and speed of processors, memory, and hard drives; video resolution; capacity of optical disks).

A2. Computer Systems

By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 describe the essential functions and other features of various operating systems (e.g., functions: management of resources, files, processes, and applications; features: services, usability, performance, applications such as text editor, web browser, or media player);
A2.2 describe changes that may be required when upgrading hardware components or features of a computer system (e.g., BIOS updates, installation of drivers for new hardware, resolution of compatibility issues);
A2.3 describe the essential functions performed by the BIOS firmware in computer systems (e.g., POST [power on self test], boot sequence, hardware recognition, detection of master boot record);
A2.4 describe how the BIOS, hardware, and operating system of a computer interact.

A3. Electronics, Robotics, and Computer Interfacing

By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 identify and describe the functions of electronic components (e.g., resistor, capacitor, diode, LED);
A3.2 describe the function of electrical devices used in control systems (e.g., stepper motor, direct-current motor, touch sensor, accelerometer, optical sensor, power supply);
A3.3 calculate the values of components in electronic circuits using fundamental laws (e.g., Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws);
A3.4 explain the importance of advances in electronics (e.g., compare size, cost, and performance of vacuum tubes, transistors, and integrated circuits);
A3.5 compare the advantages and disadvantages of interfacing using desktop computers, micro-controllers, and programmable logic controllers.

A4. Networking Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:
A4.1 explain fundamental network concepts (e.g., bandwidth, throughput, full duplex, half duplex);
A4.2 explain the fundamental aspects of TCP/IP addressing as it pertains to workstations on a network (e.g., workstation IP address, subnet mask, MAC [media access control] address, default gateway address);
A4.3 describe various services offered by servers to network clients (e.g., HTTP, FTP, SMTP, telnet, printing, file transfers and storage, login);
A4.4 describe methods for making a network secure (e.g., firewalls, data and password encryption, user authentication, WEP or WPA keys, security of server room).

A5. Data Representation and Digital Logic

By the end of this course, students will:
A5.1 describe binary and hexadecimal numbers, and convert positive integers among decimal, binary, and hexadecimal number systems;
A5.2 compare binary and hexadecimal representation of addresses and data (e.g., absolute addressing, character codes, colours);
A5.3 relate Boolean algebra to the fundamental logic gates and to combinations of these gates, using symbolic, algebraic, and numeric representations.


By the end of this course, students will:
B1. build, configure, and maintain a computer system, and connect peripheral devices;
B2. set up, optimize, and back up a computer system;
B3. design, construct, create diagrams for, and troubleshoot electronic circuits and interfaces for control systems;
B4. design, install, configure, test, and troubleshoot networks;
B5. demonstrate an understanding of fundamental programming concepts, and develop a program that interacts with an external device.

B1. Hardware Solutions

By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 build a computer from parts to meet specified requirements (e.g., for gaming, business, entertainment, media centre, or graphic design);
B1.2 use correct procedures to prevent damage to sensitive components (e.g., use anti-static wrist straps and mats, disconnect power when inserting expansion cards);
B1.3 install and configure peripheral devices in a computer system (e.g., printer, video camera, external drives);
B1.4 document maintenance and troubleshooting of computer hardware on a day-to-day basis (e.g., use a journal or log to record work done, time taken, problems found, solutions attempted, and results).

B2. Computer Systems

By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 set up and configure a home office system (e.g., computer, scanner, printer, appropriate software);
B2.2 use system utilities for optimization and backup (e.g., defragment files; scan hard drives for defective sectors; run complete, incremental, and differential backups);
B2.3 configure a computer system to use multiple operating systems (e.g., dual boot, virtual machines).

B3. Electronics, Robotics, and Computer Interfacing

By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 use a design process (see pp. 22–23) to design and safely construct and test interfacing or robotics circuits (e.g., for LED traffic lights, VU meter, alarm system, or motor control), using appropriate materials and techniques, including soldering;
B3.2 troubleshoot an electronic circuit using appropriate methods and test equipment (e.g., methods: isolation and substitution of components; equipment: multimeter, oscilloscope, logic probe);
B3.3 draw and interpret diagrams that represent circuit components and functions (e.g., schematic diagram, block diagram, flow chart);
B3.4 use computer programs to simulate circuit performance and to draw schematic diagrams and circuit layouts (e.g., circuit simulator, schematic capture software, printed circuit board layout software).

B4. Network Setup and Management

By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 design, install, and configure a peer-to-peer network (e.g., choose appropriate computers and network interfaces, construct cables, enable file sharing) using appropriate tools, materials, and equipment (e.g., UTP cable, 8P8C connectors, crimping tool, cable tester);
B4.2 draw diagrams of various LAN types (e.g., peer-to-peer, client-server) and topologies(e.g., bus, star, ring);
B4.3 construct various network cables (e.g., straight-through, crossover);
B4.4 use a variety of methods to verify the operation of a network (e.g., visual inspection, ping, ipconfig, telnet, tracert, arp);
B4.5 use a problem-solving process (see pp. 21–23) to troubleshoot networks.

B5. Computer Programming

By the end of this course, students will:
B5.1 use constants, variables, expressions, and assignment statements correctly, taking into account the order in which operations are performed;
B5.2 use input statements, output statements, selection structures, and repetition structures in a program;
B5.3 use a design process (see pp. 22–23) to write, test, and debug a computer program that controls and/or responds to the inputs from an external device (e.g., LED array, motor, relay, infrared sensor, temperature sensor).


By the end of this course, students will:
C1. describe environmental issues related to the widespread use of computers and associated technologies;
C2. describe societal issues related to the widespread use of computers and associated technologies.

C1. Technology and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 describe the effects of computer and electronic technology on the environment (e.g., accumulation of electronic waste, including lead and other toxic materials used in computers; release of ozone-destroying chemicals used to wash soldering flux from circuit boards; energy consumed by computers left in standby mode; fuel consumption and air pollution reduced by computerized traffic-control systems);
C1.2 outline how community partners and government agencies apply the reduce/reuse/recycle concept to computer technology.

C2. Technology and Society

By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 describe the benefits of computer and electronic technology for society (e.g., greater efficiency and lower costs for information services, improved access to technology for economically disadvantaged people and nations, development of a “global village”);
C2.2 describe some of the drawbacks of computer and electronic technology for society (e.g., loss of privacy, infringement of intellectual property rights through unlicensed copying and electronic distribution, a more sedentary lifestyle, spam, telemarketing, Internet gambling addictions).


By the end of this course, students will:
D1. demonstrate an understanding of relevant safety practices, standards, and legislation;
D2. describe ethical and security issues related to the use of computers;
D3. describe various careers related to computer technology and electronics, and the entry requirements for these careers.

D1. Health and Safety

By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 comply with relevant industry practices, standards, and related legislation to ensure workplace safety (e.g., standards and regulations specified in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System [WHMIS] and the Electrical Safety Code; grounding and enclosure standards for electrical circuits; ergonomically sound workplace
arrangements and practices);
D1.2 describe and use appropriate equipment, techniques, and strategies to avoid health and safety problems associated with computer use (e.g., back injuries from improper lifting of heavy equipment, repetitive strain injuries, eye strain).

D2. Ethics and Security

By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 describe the components of an acceptable-use policy for computers (e.g., restrictions on commercial or personal use, prohibition of inappropriate content, protection of privacy);
D2.2 explain the importance of and comply with software licensing legislation (e.g., copyright and patent acts);
D2.3 explain the importance of security (e.g., password protection, encryption) for confidential data and other sensitive electronic information (e.g., to protect against industrial espionage or identity theft).

D3. Career Opportunities

By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 describe various careers related to computer technology and electronics that require postsecondary education (e.g., computer engineer, systems analyst, network analyst, information technology technician);
D3.2 describe entry requirements, including computer expertise, for careers related to computer technology (e.g., apprenticeships, university programs, college programs, industry certifications);
D3.3 identify groups and programs that are available to support students who are interested in pursuing non-traditional career choices in computer technology (e.g., mentoring programs, virtual networking/support groups, specialized postsecondary programs, relevant trade/industry associations);
D3.4 demonstrate an understanding of and apply the Essential Skills that are important for success in the computer technology industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP)(e.g., reading text, writing, document use, computer use, oral communication, numeracy, thinking skills);
D3.5 demonstrate an understanding of and apply the work habits that are important for success in the computer technology industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., working safely, teamwork, reliability, organization, working independently, initiative, self-advocacy);
D3.6 maintain an up-to-date portfolio that includes pieces of work and other materials that provide evidence of their skills and achievements in computer technology (e.g., Passport to Safety certificate, OSP Work Plan, OSP Transition Plan, circuit diagrams, photographs of projects, video of working robot), and explain why having a current portfolio is important for career development and advancement.

TEJ3M Course Outline

Always in development!