Lunch and Learn

Periodically I will post a “Lunch and Learn” day on the daybook, which will be used for any of the following reasons:

  • for anyone falling behind in their assignments (i.e. with a mark below ~60%)
  • for anyone chronically late
  • for anyone who has missed a number of classes and may need extra assistance to catch up

Attendance will be mandatory for anyone asked to attend one of these sessions.

Late Arrivals

I don’t have a formal policy about late arrivals, but late arrivals will be recorded and if it becomes a recurring problem (>2 times), there will be consequences, ranging from staying behind after class to detentions.

Remember that if you arrive late you will be disrupting the class and will likely have missed important content about the day.

Just don’t be late!

(See also Lunch and Learn)

[teacher link]

Discussion Forum Instructions

Each student needs to provide at least one comment and two replies and/or questions.

Your main comment should reflect something interesting and noteworthy you have read in the article or heard in the podcast. Your comment must be at least one complete and proper sentence and demonstrate your understanding of the article/podcast.

Try not to repeat what others have said or asked (so do this assignment early!).

If someone already has two comments then comment on someone else. If you really want to comment, then just comment on one extra person. When the assignment is complete, everyone should have at least two replies and/or questions on their comment.

The assignment is marked out of 9 — 3 marks for your initial comment and 6 for your two (or more) responses to others. I will be marking for spelling, grammar, relevancy, and appropriateness. Keep all responses friendly and supportive.

Late Submission Policy

The general policy for late submissions is that 5% of your achieved mark will be deducted per day to a maximum of 15% for grades 9-10 and a maximum of 25% for grades 11-12 (DSBN policy). There may be exceptions to this, depending on the specific circumstances.

If assignments are posted online and can be done from home, absence due to a school activity does not extend the deadline.

If the situation warrants that an assignment can no longer be handed in, the mark will be a zero beyond that.

(You will only be given a reasonable amount of time to submit a late assignment. Don’t expect to be handing in assignments two or three weeks after they are due!)

Land Acknowledgment

We will begin this course by acknowledging that we are meeting on aboriginal land that has been inhabited by Indigenous peoples from the beginning.

As settlers, we’re grateful for the opportunity to meet here and we thank all the generations of people who have taken care of this land – for thousands of years.

Long before today, as we gather here, there have been aboriginal peoples who have been the stewards of this place.

In particular, we acknowledge – the traditional territory of Anishinaabeg, Ojibway/Chippewa and Haudenosaunee peoples.

We recognize and deeply appreciate their historic connection to this place. We also recognize the contributions of Métis, Inuit, and other Indigenous peoples have made, both in shaping and strengthening this community in particular, and our province and country as a whole.

As settlers, this recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous peoples must also be clearly and overtly connected to our collective commitment to make the promise and the challenge of Truth and Reconciliation real in our communities, and in particular to bring justice for murdered and missing indigenous women and girls across our country.

Land Acknowledgement

We will begin this course by acknowledging that we are meeting on aboriginal land that has been inhabited by Indigenous peoples from the beginning.

As settlers, we’re grateful for the opportunity to meet here and we thank all the generations of people who have taken care of this land – for thousands of years.

Long before today, as we gather here, there have been aboriginal peoples who have been the stewards of this place.

In particular, we acknowledge – the traditional territory of Anishinaabeg, Ojibway/Chippewa and Haudenosaunee peoples.

We recognize and deeply appreciate their historic connection to this place. We also recognize the contributions of Métis, Inuit, and other Indigenous peoples have made, both in shaping and strengthening this community in particular, and our province and country as a whole.

As settlers, this recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous peoples must also be clearly and overtly connected to our collective commitment to make the promise and the challenge of Truth and Reconciliation real in our communities, and in particular to bring justice for murdered and missing indigenous women and girls across our country.

[Credit to]

Co-op Outline (Old)

This is an old outline, for reference only.

Before You Start

  1. Print and complete the Application Form  (need link)
  2. Make some initial inquiries about a potential co-op employer

First Term

  1. Introductions (day 1)

  2. Marking Overview
  3. Journals

    1. Reminder: when you get your MarkBook reports, double-check that the total hours listed from each journal are properly recorded.
    2. Note: journals more than two weeks late will not be marked; only the hours will be recorded.
  4. Review and update Application Form  (need link) (be sure it is filled in with a black or blue pen!)

  5. Need 2 References (day 1)
  6. Resume (day 1)
    Build your resume at Remember your username and password!

  7. Central Placements discussion (day 2)

  8. Update Training Agreement with proper related subject and mark (from transcript) (day 2)

    1. Not all related subjects may be listed in that page. See instructor for assistance.
  9. Pre-course Questionnaire (need new link) (day 2)

  10. Co-op Pre-course Survey (day 2)

  11. Young Workers Awareness Program — 7 Things You’d Better Know
  12. Cover Letter (day 2)
    Visit this website for excellent resources.

  13. Co-op Education Student Handbook  (need new link) (you will receive a hard copy of this) (day 3)

  14. Safety (days 3-4)

  15. Communication Video, w/ Communication assignment  (need new link) (day 5)

  16. Interview Questions (day 5)

  17. Guest Speaker – Interview Techniques (day 7)

  18. Training Agreement Responsibilities Assignment (day 7)

  19. Confidentiality (handout (need new link) , case studies, contract)

  20. Harassment (case studies) Eval’d (day 9)

    1. Sexual harassment – guest speaker & quiz

    2. Harassment – video and package

  21. First Week at the Workplace (need new link)

  22. In-school Session #1

    1. Student Profile

    2. OSP Assignment

    3. More to add…

  23. Employment Standards Act Worksheet(s)

  24. In-school Session #2 (mid-semester) (student checklist(teacher notes)

    (note to self: remove this list after ensuring everything is on the checklist. format like session #3)

    1. MarkBook Updates

    2. Review of Weekly Journals

    3. Add up total hours from weekly log sheets (on MarkBook printout) and record here. Should be ~110 hours for 2 credits or ~55 hours for 1 credit. Record on inside from cover of file (the journal dates are here).

    4. Adjustment to Hours Forms

    5. Pathways to Opportunity Supervisor Award

    6. Don’t make these spelling mistakes!
    7. Student Handbook – In-school course expectations

      1. Choose 5-6 specific expectations from your related course

    8. Student Handbook – Placement Opportunities (p. 14)

    9. Student Handbook – Employer Specific Expectations (p. 14)

    10. Mid-term Self-evaluation

    11. Update Profile, including pictures

    12. SHSM Students – need copies of Passport to Safety certificate, WHMIS certificate, and Ontario Skills Passport assignment

    13. Overview of Final Presentation (get started early!)

      1. Tip: create a GoogleDoc (or other easily-accessible document) and add comments to this weekly

    14. Portfolio Overview

    15. Finish OSP Assignment

  25. Changing Roles

  26. Careers

  27. Ladder Quiz

  28. First Month at Placement

  29. Employer Assessment I (see note)

    1. worth 16% of final mark


Second Term

  1. Essential Skills Eval’d

  2. Rough Draft Work Experience

  3. Employability Standards

  4. Placement Description

  5. Thank You Letter

  6. Ontario Skills Passport

  7. In-school Session #3 (student checklist)

    1. Administration
    2. Union Presentation & Assignment
    3. Portfolio overview
    4. Reflective Assignment overview
  8. In-school session #4 (teacher notes)
    1. Course Evaluation
    2. MarkBook updates
      1. Anything to hand in?
      2. Any mistakes? (highlight and return report to instructor)
    3. # of Hours (should be 195 to 200 hours)
      1. Reminder of Adjustment to Hours form
    4. Presentations during Exam period — January 25 (see Summative, below)
    5. Thank You letters (see exemplar)
      1. sample(s) available in O: drive
      2. print two — one for employer, one for instructor
      3. address the envelope
    6. Hand in portfolio
  9. Employer Assessment II (see note)
    1. worth 24% of final mark



  1. Reflective Assignment Overview
    1. worth 20% of final mark
    2. Work Experience Reflection  (also available as Google Document)

    3. Rough copy due in-school session #3
    4. Report Checklist [marking checklist]
      1. Suggested Headings
  2. Final Presentation

    1. Marking Rubric
    2. Reference: Essential Skills & Work Habits website
  3. Display (used during presentation)
  4. Employability Skills Portfolio   

    1. worth 10% of final mark
    2. Section 7 Reflection Template
      1. Reference: Essential Skills & Work Habits website