Affinity Photo Tutorials

This list of tutorials has been recommended by my students (from this master list) and is a work in progress. The order of the tutorials is somewhat random right now but will be reordered based on student feedback.

  1. Beginners – Adjustments (difficulty: 1)
  2. Beginners – Exporting (difficulty: 1) (no assignment)
  3. Beginners – Filters (difficulty: 1)
  4. Beginners – Layers (difficulty: 1) (assignment: put a logo on a picture….your choice!)
  5. Removing background from Trees (Leaves selection) (difficulty: 1)
  6. Haze Removal (difficulty: 1)
  7. How to Change Eye Color (difficulty: 2)
  8. Inpainting (difficulty: 2)
  9. Layer Concepts (difficulty: 2) (no assignment)
  10. Shadows/Highlights (difficulty: 2)
  11. Curves (difficulty: 2)
  12. Clone Brush Tool (difficulty: 2)
  13. Refining Selections (difficulty: 2)
  14. Easily Create REALISTIC Light Beams (difficulty: 2)
  15. Adjustment Layers (difficulty: 3)
  16. Mask Layers (difficulty: 3)
  17. Affinity Photo Tutorial Manipulation Effects Editing (difficulty: 5) (Note 2)
  18. How to Retouch Skin in Affinity Photo (difficulty: 5) (Note 1)

You must do all the level 1 tutorials, a minimum of 5 level 2’s, and a minimum of 2 level 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s.

Note 1: take your own picture for this assignment.

Note 2: use only creative-commons photos for this assignment. Be sure to keep the links to your sources to give credit!

BTT1O Administrivia

Day 1

Continue reading “BTT1O Administrivia”

Daily Reminders

  • Use your organizer keep track of tasks and deadlines. My own preference is Google Keep but many students also seem to like Google Tasks, which is built into Gmail.
  • Check the daybook (or Classroom, whichever is being used in class) and your email at the beginning of every class.
  • Use your organizer to record your tasks and deadlines. Get in the habit of working from your organizer. If you are starting a new assignment, put it on your organizer first.
  • If you’ve received a mark update, check it for any errors or outstanding items. If you have any concerns, talk to me immediately or make a note of it on your to-do list.
  • Is your mark below 60%? If it is, expect me to talk to you about spending some lunch hours in the class to catch up.
  • If one of your class assignments is a ePortfolio (all classes except ICS), ask yourself if there is anything you can add to it today. Then do so!
  • At the end of every period, please push your chair in, throw out (or recycle) your garbage, and turn off your computer if it is the last period of the day.

Student Support

I can always be contacted via email (please see email protocol) or through my “contact me” form or through the Remind service app (preferred).

Remember that I want you to pass, so please take advantage of the communication tools available to you to reach out to me any time you have a question.


Throughout the course we will be using various tools to help our learning:
  • Portable Apps
    • Chrome
    • Notepad++
  • Lastpass
  • Diigo (social bookmarking)
  • Google Drive
  • Google Takeout
  • Google Sites (the NEW Google Sites)
  • Google Keep
  • Gmail
  • Twitter
  • Dropbox

Learning Skills and Work Habits


The student:

  • fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment;
  • completes and submits class work, homework, and assignments according to agreed-upon timelines;
  • takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour.


The student:

  • devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks;
  • establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals;
  • identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information, technology, and resources to complete tasks.

Independent Work

The student:

  • independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to complete tasks and meet goals;
  • uses class time appropriately to complete tasks;
  • follows instructions with minimal supervision.


The student:

  • accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group;
  • responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of others;
  • builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships through personal and media-assisted interactions;
  • works with others to resolve conflicts and build consensus to achieve group goals;
  • shares information, resources, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions.


The student:

  • looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities for learning;
  • demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks
    demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning;
  • approaches new tasks with a positive attitude;
  • recognizes and advocates appropriately for the rights of self and others.


The student:

  • sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them;
  • seeks clarification or assistance when needed;
  • assesses and reflects critically on own strengths, needs, and interests;
  • identifies learning opportunities, choices, and strategies to meet personal needs and achieve goals;
  • perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges.

Student Self Assessment

A self-assessment Google Doc can be found at
A self-assessment form can be found at [teacher link]
Ask your instructor which to use.


Website Review Template

This is the template I use in Google Docs for student website reviews.

Find a good educational web page related to <Topic Name>.

Which keyword(s) did you use at the search engine? (record below)

  • URL:
  • Title:
  • Keyword(s) Used:

Write a 100-150 word review of the web page.  Concepts that could be considered when reviewing your website are:

  • suitability to the class,
  • aesthetics of the site,
  • the educational value of the site, and
  • the overall organization of the site.

Write your review below. After it is complete, share it with two of your peers for checking of grammar and spelling. Fix any mistakes found. Record the names of your peers as comments here and here.

The Title of the Web Page —

<intro goes here>

<body of review goes here (100-250 words)>

<summary of review goes here>