is a service that I will use to send email and text notifications to students and parents.
To subscribe, please follow the directions in the relevant document:
- BTT1O ICT in Business
- Co-op (morning class)
- Co-op (afternoon class)
- ICS3 or ICS4 Computer Science [teacher link]
- TIJ1O Exploring Technology (Grade 9 Tech) [teacher link]
- TEJ2O Computer Technology [teacher link]
- TEJ3E Computer Technology
- TEJ3M Computer Engineering Technology
- TEJ4E Computer Technology
- TEJ4M Computer Engineering Technology
TGJ3M Communications Technology- TGJ4M Communications Technology [teacher link]
- TDJ3M or TDJ4M Tech Design
- TEJ3E or TEJ3M or TEJ4E or TEJ4M Computer Technology
- TGJ2O Communications Technology
TGJ2O/3M Communication Technology
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