Following is a report template I use with my TGJ4M students as part of their final ePortfolio. Other teachers are free to adapt or use it for their own classes.
A. Communications Technology Fundamentals
A1. Explain how you have demonstrated an understanding of at least three advanced concepts, techniques, and skills required to produce a range of communications media products and services.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
A2. Describe at least four different types of equipment and/or software and explain how they are used in creating communications media products
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
A3. Describe at least four technical, scientific, and/or mathematical concepts used in communications technology, and how you applied them to the creation of media products.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
A4. Explain at least two cases how you demonstrated an understanding of and applied the interpersonal and communications skills necessary to work in a team environment.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
B. Communications Technology Skills
B1. Explain how you applied project management techniques to the planning and development of your final communications media project.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
B2. Explain how you applied a design process or other problem-solving processes or strategies to meet a range of challenges in communications technology.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
B3. Describe at least two products or productions you created that demonstrated creative and technical competence and incorporated current and evolving standards, processes, formats, and/or technologies.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
C. Technology, the Environment, and Society
C1. Analyse the environmental impact of recent advances in communications technology, and describe ways of reducing harmful effects;
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
C2. Describe how you have demonstrated an understanding of the effects of communications technology and media activities on society and cultural diversity.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
D. Professional Practice and Career Opportunities
D1. Describe how you applied safe work practices when performing communications technology tasks.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
D2. Describe how you adhered to legal requirements and/or ethical practices relating to the communications technology industry.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
D3. Describe at least two career opportunities and at least one post-secondary program related to Communications Technology.
Respond in italics.
- <name of project(s) with link>
Marking Guidelines
Each response must be written in a way that it makes sense in its own context, i.e., as a standalone paragraph (or paragraphs) placed in a separate report away from the requirements.
To receive full marks, be sure you address the following for each response:
- the context to this subject area is clear
- the response demonstrates a clear understanding of the concept(s)
- the terminology is appropriate to the subject and skill level